The road ahead
The year 2022 will soon be over and it's time for a little review of the past year and also a short outlook toward the new year.
On the 1st of June the first post "stop following every f*cking account on insta" appeared on this blog. Since then, some more posts about different topics appeared in irregular intervals. At the same time, some other digital projects of mine developed further. For example, I have reworked my website a few times, so that it is now a little more enjoyable to look at. (have a sneak peek ;):
This year I also did some reorganization of my domains and mail addresses. So my website is no longer available under (like in the beginning) but can now be found under (don't worry still belongs to me and redirects to the new site). I also changed my mail addresses in the course of this move (this drove some friends nearly crazy :) )
Also this year I started the V434 Project. Under this name, I will publish projects from me from now on. This also allows me to collaborate more easily with other people (like friends or other people I know). The V434 Project does not represent or constitute a company or another commercial legal entity.
I and a very close colleague have also been dealing with some incidents of hacking on Instagram accounts this summer. We did some research on the suspected attackers and implemented measures to better secure our own accounts as well as the accounts of various colleagues. A corresponding blog post will appear here in a few days.
In the next year, I will personally focus on the Linux operating system family and expand my certifications in this area of IT.
Under certain circumstances, I will (possibly with the support of some colleagues who also work in the IT field) create a kind of collaboration space for us and our friends. This project is still in the planning stage and some clarifications have to be made.
I am also thinking about inviting some of my friends to write a guest post on this blog next year. So don't be surprised if you suddenly see a post from a different person on this site.
Since I will always make changes to my website or blog, it is of course even more important that you can detect any failures or interruptions and so not be surprised if suddenly a website is not available. Possible failures on my websites are visible on this status page.
I am very excited about the new year and especially about being able to continue this blog and other projects in the future. Even if this blog doesn't get the highest views :)
Have a nice end of 2022 and a great start in the new year!